
Armonia celeste

Instrumental music of the 16th and 17th centuries

from Italy, England and Germany

"Armonia celeste - Heavenly Balance" is the title of our concert programme, the common thread of which is the stylistic change in art around 1600: In this period, on the threshold between the Renaissance and the Baroque, the emotionality of the individual becomes the centre of attention in the new literature, painting and music and confidently paves its way. The baroque style was born!

In our programme, we give a hearing to both Renaissance and Baroque music in order to make the interweaving of the two eras tangible.
On the one hand, there is the sound world of the Renaissance, represented in our programme with traditional and lively dances by Ortiz or Schop, as well as with complex contrapuntal madrigals by Palestrina and de Rore.
On the other hand, there are the compositions of the (Early) Baroque period, represented by sonatas and suites from the 17th century, which epitomise the new. All music from this period is suddenly charged with emotion and reflects audible passions. Our programme therefore includes very expressive instrumental arrangements of vocal music as well as virtuoso solo sonatas that have clearly emancipated themselves from vocal music. A new self-confidence of the instruments and their players can be experienced through the addition of new instrumental possibilities, such as the rapid passagework over several octaves, sustained by an expressive and harmonious basso continuo.

It is exciting for us to span these very different musical horizons and create a balance for you!
In this way, you can experience in the programme how audible connections arise between these poles. The change of style in music around 1600 is, depending on your point of view, not a radical revolution, but a change that also preserves the essence of the old through references and connections in the new and lets the spark of the new glow in the old:
Armonia celeste!


Diego Ortiz 1510-1570
Recercada primera
Recercada ottava
Doulce Memoire
Recercada segunda

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 1525-1594
Vestiva i colli e le campagne intorno

Tarquinio Merula 1595-1665
Sonata seconda

Cyprien de Rore 1515-1565
Ancor che col partire

Giovanni Martino Cesare 1590-1667
La Giorgina

Giovanni Battista Fontana 1589-1630
Sonata seconda

Johann Schop 1590-1667
Lachrimae Pavan

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger 1580-1651
Toccata arpeggiata

Giulio Caccini 1551-1618
Amarilli mia bella
Giovanni Nauwach 1595-1630
Amarilli mia bella

Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli 1624-1687
Sonata prima La Bernabea

Francesco Barsanti 1690-1770
Old Scots Tunes:
The Lass of Peatie's mill / Lochaber / Johnnie Faa

Francesco Geminiani 1687-1762
Auld Bob Morrice

Nicola Matteis 1650-1713
Airs: Adagio - Aria con divisione -
Sarabanda amorosa - Scaramucchia

John Eccles 1668-1735
Ground “The mad lover”

Concert dates

Here you will find our next dates and concerts. For further information, please click on the respective link.

5.-7. and 12.-14. August 2024

in the hall of the Bielefeld Music and Art School

Sunday, 13th of October 2024, 17:00

Ev. Kirchengemeinde Isselhorst
Isselhorster Kirchplatz 13, 33334 Gütersloh (D)

Frank Oberschelp - recorders
Riccardo Delfino - baroque harp

Sunday, 17th of November 2024, 17:00

Alte Musik Dornberg
Peterskirche Dornberg
Am Tie 17, 33619 Bielefeld (D)

Frank Oberschelp - recorders
Riccardo Delfino - baroque harp
Hermann Hickethier - viola da gamba

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